Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Recap

Hey guys!

Thanks for taking the time to join me on my journey. It means a lot that some of you are spending your time reading along as I work towards getting healthier with Plexus Slim. In case you haven't heard about it before, Plexus Slim is an all-natural, stimulant-free appetite suppressant you mix with water 30 minutes before one of your meals of the day. That's it! Once a day, and you can say goodbye to cravings and binges!

Diet update:
 Today I didn't do half bad! I had a yogurt with fiber for breakfast, I had about half a plate of stir fry for lunch, and I went to Olive Garden for dinner. I had one bowl of salad and about half a chicken breast before I had enough and boxed the rest up. I got in my 10 glasses of water today, and I feel great! Also, I've been taking the weight-loss Accelerator. This product shouldn't be taken by people with caffeine sensitivities or heart conditions, but if you are a coffee drinker, this product is something you might be interested in. It works with Plexus Slim to further reduce sugar cravings and boost your metabolism. I've been taking it for a few days now, and I don't get jittery or nervous, and there's no crash. Click the link in the word "Accelerator" for more info!

Exercise update:
 I'd like to share something that I read the other day that really changed my perspective on exercise. Your overall metabolism is based on all of your local metabolisms combined. "Where are your local metabolisms"? you might ask. Well, let me tell ya! Your local metabolisms are at each of your joints. So, if you want to maximize the benefits of your workouts and cut your time exponentially, you should try and see how many joints you can incorporate in each exercise. One of the most effective exercises to rev up your metabolism is a burpee. If you don't know what a burpee is, just give it a quick search on google. Another one I like is doing squats while picking up a medicine ball and pushing up through the heels. This gets your hips, knees, ankles, elbows, and shoulders all going. It's a sure-fire way to rev up your metabolism and start building lean muscle to burn those calories!

Business update:
 I got two more people to come along on this journey with me today, and I have 4 more people getting 3-day trials. I'm really excited to hear from everyone how they are doing! If my friends have the same results I've been having, the world better watch out in a few months!

As always, if you have any questions about what I'm doing or how you can join me in losing weight this Summer, feel free to hit me up on facebook, email, or on my phone. All of that info is on the right hand side of this screen. Have a great day!

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