Monday, May 6, 2013

Dealing With the Past + Support in the Present = Success in the Future

I have been watching shows like The Biggest Loser and Extreme Makeover: Weight loss Edition this week looking for inspiration that I could latch onto for my goals for better health this Summer. Besides a firm commitment to being consistent with your diet and exercise program, I noticed just how important it is to surround yourself with positive people who will support you in your goals. I saw so many people slip and fall right back into their old habits and patterns for a couple different reasons. The main reason seemed to be that they either got back around a friend or family member that was jealous of their success and drug them back into food addiction, or they got back to their old routine of running through fast food on the way home from work. What I like about Plexus Slim is that you can still eat out, but your body tells you you've had enough a lot sooner so you are less likely to overeat.

Another huge stumbling block in weight loss achievement is your mental and emotional health. Many people who are overweight often trace their eating back to stress, childhood trauma, the loss of a family member, an injury, etc. If you do not seek to resolve the core issue of the overeating, you will never achieve life-long weight-loss success. What I love about Plexus Slim is that it puts me in control of my binging urges and reduces my cravings so that I can consciously assess why it is that I feel the sudden need to raid the refrigerator.

Being able to still eat stuff you normally would (just in smaller quantities and less often) reduces the tendency to binge on unhealthy food in mass quantities. However, being on Plexus Slim is not an excuse to go on a free for all. Even though Plexus Slim does a great job of filtering out blood sugar to help keep it lower, as a general rule of health, you should limit your intake of processed sugar. Eating a donut once a week won't kill your diet while on Plexus Slim, but a donut every day could lead to a Candida Overgrowth issue (as I discussed in my last blog post) which can cause bloating, sugar cravings, and weight-loss plateaus. Also, sugar suppresses your immune system and is bad for oral health. Another major source of sugar that should be avoided is fruit juice. "But, Tony, fruit juice is all natural right?!" All you have to do is flip a bottle of orange juice around and look at the sugars to realize that it really isn't that much better than a soda. The reasons range from the fact that many juice companies add sugar and chemicals to make it sweeter, while others concentrate the juice, which increases the amount of sugar per serving. Opt for raw, whole fruit instead like strawberries (which has slow-release sugar) and blueberries (which are high in anti-oxidants).

That's it for my advice for the day. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

Also, please be sure to check out my website at and order the 3-Day Decision Pack. It includes a sample of Plexus Slim, Plexus Accelerator, a DVD and a brochure. I promise, you won't regret it! If, however, you are ready to take the plunge and join me in getting great results  and taking control of your weight alongside me, feel free to order the 30 day supply. Need help ordering or want to know more about special discounted pricing? No problem. Just send me an email or message me through Facebook. I return all messages as soon as I get to them. Take care, and make it a great day!


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