Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Microwave Society vs. Weight-loss

Why put something in the oven for 30 minutes when you can microwave it in 3 minutes? Ever find yourself taking short cuts even though you know it is worth the wait? I have approached weight loss in this exact manner my whole life. I want to pop a pill and forget it. I want the miracle drug that will just melt fat and inches without any work! Well... there are pills and products out there like Plexus Slim that will do the trick in burning fat and inches (Although, I have never taken anything SO EFFECTIVE as Plexus Slim.) The problem many people face when going off such products is that they go right back to their old habits, and, without the lean muscle mass to keep burning those extra calories, they blow back up like a balloon! Trust me! I've been there.

There is a simple solution, but motivating ourselves to make life changes takes personal responsibility and long-term commitment to healthier living. Even with the drastic weight loss I have achieved through Plexus Slim, I know that I must also make healthy eating decisions and not go crazy, AND I need to be doing effective, full body exercises to rev up my natural metabolism on a daily basis. The reason so many people put so much weight back on when they stop taking weight loss supplements is that they killed their metabolism by starving themselves (putting their bodies into fat-storage mode or famine mode) and they didn't exercise, so there is no lean muscle to burn the calories naturally. By building up lean muscle mass all over your body, you create a 24/7 fat-burning machine.

So, my encouragement to all of you is to give Plexus Slim and get hooked up with a good exercise program. I love Dr. K's 3D exercise program. It is, by far, the most effective workout routine I have found that is accessible to someone of my size. The best thing is it only takes 10 minutes a day, every other day. If you need help finding his stuff, look up Dr. Kareem Samhouri on youtube or simply "Dr. K".

As always, if you have any questions about my weight loss or the products I talk about, send me an email at tonymercer@outlook.com or by adding me on facebook using the info to the right. Take care, and have a great day!

Visit www.tonymercer.myplexusproducts.com for more info on Plexus, or click any linked words in my blog. :)

1 comment:

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