Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My First Plexus Vlog

Website:   www.tonymercer.myplexusproducts.com
Blog:                 www.myplexusjourney.blogspot.com
Email:                                    tonymercer@hotmail.com
Phone:                                                     352.457.3653

Saturday, May 25, 2013

First Month on Plexus

I AM DOWN 21.8 POUNDS! HOLY MOLY, BATMAN! I've never lost this much weight in four weeks before, and the fact that this supplement is all natural with no harmful chemicals in it is AWESOME! I've heard so many people say that their chronic pain has all but gone away, they've lost tons of weight, they have more energy, their hair/nails/skin are improving, they are going off their blood pressure medication and insulin injections... This stuff is truly amazing. This is the last weight loss supplement I will ever need. I'm convinced! If you'd like to join me in this amazing journey to better health, please don't hesitate to contact me and visit my site. Not everyone has dramatic results like me in their first month, but I am so thankful that Plexus took the time to do it right and make this a healthy product.

Tony Mercer

Monday, May 20, 2013

Helping Yourself & Helping Others!

I grew up learning that you should always help others. The thing I didn't grow up learning is that you also have to take time for yourself! While helping others can be extremely rewarding, you always have to keep an internal balance within yourself. I mean, if you think about it, how can you recharge other people's batteries, if you've run out of juice? You gotta take time to recharge yourself so you can help others!

I have really been applying this to my life lately. I am taking responsibility for what I eat, and taking time to get healthy. By getting healthy, I am going to be able to help others as well. The best part of being a Plexus Ambassador, for me, is that not only do I get to get healthier, losing weight, and feeling better about myself, I have also already had the privilege of helping two of my friends lose a significant amount of weight. One of my friends lost 10 pounds in one week, and the other lost around 7! How awesome is that? Yes, there is a monetary side to this, but I really can't ask for a bigger reward than to add years to my friends life and quality of life to that longevity.

Plexus Slim has made a huge impact on my life already. I know now that I don't have to eat a whole plate of food to be satisfied. If I slow down and enjoy every bite, I can eat a lot less. I've also learned that when I eat, I need to relax first so I'm not so nervous. Plexus Slim helps me resist sugar and carbs without cutting it out completely, and it has really put me in control of my diet for the first time. I am trying to make a conscious effort to eat whole foods, but when I eat bad stuff, I don't beat myself up over it. Yeah, I gained a little weight last week, but look at how much I've taken off already! There's going to be ups and downs as I move forward and my body adjusts to the new program, but the important thing is to be consistent and stay on track. If you beat yourself up for cheating or not hitting your goal, you risk de-railing yourself. DON'T DO IT! Forgive yourself and pick yourself back up. It'll be ok! Take charge and make it a better week. You deserve this! If you have a few pounds to lose, or a lot like me, you owe it to yourself to give this a try! I know everyone is skeptical of this stuff. So, I would challenge you, if you are on the fence, go to my site and order the 3-Day Trial. You won't see the long term benefits and big numbers in 3 days, but it will give you a sense of how this product works.

If you have any questions for me, I am here for you guys! Have a great week, and I look forward to talking to you all soon!

My Plexus Site
My Facebook

Friday, May 17, 2013


I had a rough week this week! I realized I wasn't drinking enough water. So, when I started drinking more, I put back on some water weight. Remember 1 gallon = 8.35 pounds! Well, I think I finally topped out and started losing again. :) My goal is to get down another 6.2 pounds in the next 2 weeks at least. Keeping my fingers crossed!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Importance of Cheat Days

Ok, so as you can see from my data column, 5/15 is in the red. Well, there's a perfectly good explanation. I had a major cheat day today. It is UBER important to have cheat days in your diet. It helps to keep your cravings throughout the week at bay knowing you have a whole day to go wild, and it helps keep your metabolism from completely dying! Keeping your metabolism off balance by eating different kinds of foods and in different quantities can be what either maintains or breaks your plateaus. Of course, you need moderation in everything, but, at the same time, you don't want to starve yourself. Yes, I gained almost 2 pounds in one day, but the great thing about that is I know it's mostly water weight, and it'll come back off in the next day or two. As long as I maintain a net loss over the week, I will be happy!

Be sure to check back regularly for more diet/exercise/supplement tips and tricks as well as keeping up with my weight loss and keeping me accountable. I love you guys!

For more info, be sure to check out my website and feel free to contact me any time.


Monday, May 13, 2013


I'm going to keep this one short. Everyone knows how important water is, but are you really getting enough? You've heard the old mandate "drink 8-10 8-oz glasses of water a day" right? Well guess what? If you are between 128 and 160 pounds, then that is exactly right. For those of you who weigh less, 8 glasses would be too much, and for those of us who are bigger, that is not enough! Think about it: Our bodies are mostly made up of water. If we don't replenish the water we lose on a daily basis, we risk dehydration, dry skin, irritability, headaches, organ damage, etc. Also, water is critical to removing waste and toxins from the body and for maintaining your metabolism! In other words, figuring out how much you need to drink and being consistent with your water intake is SUPER important. So, here is the formula you need to optimize your water intake.

Body Weight (in pounds) / 2 = Amount of Water (in ounces).
So, for example, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking 100 ounces of water.

This is a sliding scale, so as you lose weight, you will need to adjust this. I should caution you if you are big like me. Don't drink all your water at once! You can dilute your system and interrupt the electric current needed to keep your lungs, heart, and brain going! Make sure and spread it out through the day, and make sure your first glass is mixed with Plexus Slim! haha I know that was a shameless plug, but Plexus Slim is by far the most amazing product I have ever taken. Check out my other blogs if you want more info, or feel free to contact me if you have any more questions. :)

Make it a great day!

Tony Mercer

Saturday, May 11, 2013

2 Week Wrap-Up

Well, well, well! Here we are at the end of my first two weeks, and I've lost a total of 16.8 pounds thanks to Plexus Slim! I've lost 2 inches off of my waist, and 4 inches off of my chest. I really couldn't be happier with this product! For the price of a cup of starbucks a day, I have nearly halved my grocery bill by being able to control how much I eat, and I have been able to go back to 2XL shirts from 3XL! Plexus Slim has given me the ability to control what I put in my body by reducing my cravings for sugar and reducing my appetite, while the other natural properties help me to burn fat. I feel fuller faster, and I just feel better over all. It's amazing how much more energy you have when you don't have a 16 pound weight strapped to you that you can't take off! I can't wait to drop the next 25.5 pounds. I haven't seen the 200s since college! Wish me luck!

If you want to get started on your weight-loss journey and run towards the goal with me, take a look at my website at www.tonymercer.myplexusproducts.com and check out Plexus Slim, Plexus Accelerator, Plexus Probio5, and Plexus BioCleanse. Plexus Slim by itself is an awesome product, but these other products are great additions to your daily health regimen. Be sure that if you have any heart issues or sensitivities to chocolate or caffeine that you consult your physician about the Plexus Accelerator. The company purposefully kept stimulants out of Plexus Slim so that it would be accessible to people with heart conditions and Type II Diabetes. If you have any questions about different levels of pricing or about my experience with any of the products, please feel free to message me on facebook or email me. Let's get healthy together!

Tony Mercer
Plexus Ambassador

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Microwave Society vs. Weight-loss

Why put something in the oven for 30 minutes when you can microwave it in 3 minutes? Ever find yourself taking short cuts even though you know it is worth the wait? I have approached weight loss in this exact manner my whole life. I want to pop a pill and forget it. I want the miracle drug that will just melt fat and inches without any work! Well... there are pills and products out there like Plexus Slim that will do the trick in burning fat and inches (Although, I have never taken anything SO EFFECTIVE as Plexus Slim.) The problem many people face when going off such products is that they go right back to their old habits, and, without the lean muscle mass to keep burning those extra calories, they blow back up like a balloon! Trust me! I've been there.

There is a simple solution, but motivating ourselves to make life changes takes personal responsibility and long-term commitment to healthier living. Even with the drastic weight loss I have achieved through Plexus Slim, I know that I must also make healthy eating decisions and not go crazy, AND I need to be doing effective, full body exercises to rev up my natural metabolism on a daily basis. The reason so many people put so much weight back on when they stop taking weight loss supplements is that they killed their metabolism by starving themselves (putting their bodies into fat-storage mode or famine mode) and they didn't exercise, so there is no lean muscle to burn the calories naturally. By building up lean muscle mass all over your body, you create a 24/7 fat-burning machine.

So, my encouragement to all of you is to give Plexus Slim and get hooked up with a good exercise program. I love Dr. K's 3D exercise program. It is, by far, the most effective workout routine I have found that is accessible to someone of my size. The best thing is it only takes 10 minutes a day, every other day. If you need help finding his stuff, look up Dr. Kareem Samhouri on youtube or simply "Dr. K".

As always, if you have any questions about my weight loss or the products I talk about, send me an email at tonymercer@outlook.com or by adding me on facebook using the info to the right. Take care, and have a great day!

Visit www.tonymercer.myplexusproducts.com for more info on Plexus, or click any linked words in my blog. :)

Monday, May 6, 2013

Dealing With the Past + Support in the Present = Success in the Future

I have been watching shows like The Biggest Loser and Extreme Makeover: Weight loss Edition this week looking for inspiration that I could latch onto for my goals for better health this Summer. Besides a firm commitment to being consistent with your diet and exercise program, I noticed just how important it is to surround yourself with positive people who will support you in your goals. I saw so many people slip and fall right back into their old habits and patterns for a couple different reasons. The main reason seemed to be that they either got back around a friend or family member that was jealous of their success and drug them back into food addiction, or they got back to their old routine of running through fast food on the way home from work. What I like about Plexus Slim is that you can still eat out, but your body tells you you've had enough a lot sooner so you are less likely to overeat.

Another huge stumbling block in weight loss achievement is your mental and emotional health. Many people who are overweight often trace their eating back to stress, childhood trauma, the loss of a family member, an injury, etc. If you do not seek to resolve the core issue of the overeating, you will never achieve life-long weight-loss success. What I love about Plexus Slim is that it puts me in control of my binging urges and reduces my cravings so that I can consciously assess why it is that I feel the sudden need to raid the refrigerator.

Being able to still eat stuff you normally would (just in smaller quantities and less often) reduces the tendency to binge on unhealthy food in mass quantities. However, being on Plexus Slim is not an excuse to go on a free for all. Even though Plexus Slim does a great job of filtering out blood sugar to help keep it lower, as a general rule of health, you should limit your intake of processed sugar. Eating a donut once a week won't kill your diet while on Plexus Slim, but a donut every day could lead to a Candida Overgrowth issue (as I discussed in my last blog post) which can cause bloating, sugar cravings, and weight-loss plateaus. Also, sugar suppresses your immune system and is bad for oral health. Another major source of sugar that should be avoided is fruit juice. "But, Tony, fruit juice is all natural right?!" All you have to do is flip a bottle of orange juice around and look at the sugars to realize that it really isn't that much better than a soda. The reasons range from the fact that many juice companies add sugar and chemicals to make it sweeter, while others concentrate the juice, which increases the amount of sugar per serving. Opt for raw, whole fruit instead like strawberries (which has slow-release sugar) and blueberries (which are high in anti-oxidants).

That's it for my advice for the day. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me!

Also, please be sure to check out my website at www.tonymercer.myplexusproducts.com and order the 3-Day Decision Pack. It includes a sample of Plexus Slim, Plexus Accelerator, a DVD and a brochure. I promise, you won't regret it! If, however, you are ready to take the plunge and join me in getting great results  and taking control of your weight alongside me, feel free to order the 30 day supply. Need help ordering or want to know more about special discounted pricing? No problem. Just send me an email or message me through Facebook. I return all messages as soon as I get to them. Take care, and make it a great day!


Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Water Test: Do you have Candida?

This is a health condition I wasn't aware of until recently. Apparently, with our sugar and carb-laden diets in America, the amount of people with Candida overgrowth is staggering. Candida is a fungus/yeast combo that exists primarily in the mouth and intestinal track. When our bodies are in balance, 85% of our bacteria is good, and 15% is bad bacteria. Candida tends to get out of balance when we use antibiotics, eat a lot of sugar, or have poor digestion. According to www.candidasymptoms.net, you may experience the following symptoms if you have candida overgrowth:

  • Frequent stomach pains and digestion problems
  • Skin problems (skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne)
  • Foggy brain / Trouble concentrating
  • Constant tiredness and exhaustion
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Anger outbursts
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Intense cravings for sugars, sweets, and breads
  • Itchy skin

A simple in-home test can help you determine whether you have Candida or not. Click here for more information on the Spit Test.

A great way to cure candida overgrowth is to eliminate sugar from your food, but that is often something that makes people panic. So, what I recommend is two-fold. 1) The supplement I have now lost 12.8 pounds on called Plexus Slim (an all-natural, stimulant free powder you mix with water once a day) helps to reduce sugar cravings. 2) Plexus ProBio 5 is a great supplement that has enzymes to break down the yeast infection in our intestines,  kill off the Candida fungus and bad bacteria, and replenish our stock of good bacteria. If you have hit a weight-loss plateau or suffer from any of the above symptoms, give ProBio 5 a shot and feel the difference!


If you found this information useful and you would like to finally take control of your health and weight, please visit my page at http://tonymercer.myplexusproducts.com. I have tried everything under the sun, and I've never come across a weight loss supplement that didn't give me the jitters and actually curbed my appetite so I don't crave sugar or mass quantities of food. If you have any questions, feel free to add me on facebook, twitter, or send me an email using the info to the right. Have a great day!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday Recap

Hey guys!

Thanks for taking the time to join me on my journey. It means a lot that some of you are spending your time reading along as I work towards getting healthier with Plexus Slim. In case you haven't heard about it before, Plexus Slim is an all-natural, stimulant-free appetite suppressant you mix with water 30 minutes before one of your meals of the day. That's it! Once a day, and you can say goodbye to cravings and binges!

Diet update:
 Today I didn't do half bad! I had a yogurt with fiber for breakfast, I had about half a plate of stir fry for lunch, and I went to Olive Garden for dinner. I had one bowl of salad and about half a chicken breast before I had enough and boxed the rest up. I got in my 10 glasses of water today, and I feel great! Also, I've been taking the weight-loss Accelerator. This product shouldn't be taken by people with caffeine sensitivities or heart conditions, but if you are a coffee drinker, this product is something you might be interested in. It works with Plexus Slim to further reduce sugar cravings and boost your metabolism. I've been taking it for a few days now, and I don't get jittery or nervous, and there's no crash. Click the link in the word "Accelerator" for more info!

Exercise update:
 I'd like to share something that I read the other day that really changed my perspective on exercise. Your overall metabolism is based on all of your local metabolisms combined. "Where are your local metabolisms"? you might ask. Well, let me tell ya! Your local metabolisms are at each of your joints. So, if you want to maximize the benefits of your workouts and cut your time exponentially, you should try and see how many joints you can incorporate in each exercise. One of the most effective exercises to rev up your metabolism is a burpee. If you don't know what a burpee is, just give it a quick search on google. Another one I like is doing squats while picking up a medicine ball and pushing up through the heels. This gets your hips, knees, ankles, elbows, and shoulders all going. It's a sure-fire way to rev up your metabolism and start building lean muscle to burn those calories!

Business update:
 I got two more people to come along on this journey with me today, and I have 4 more people getting 3-day trials. I'm really excited to hear from everyone how they are doing! If my friends have the same results I've been having, the world better watch out in a few months!

As always, if you have any questions about what I'm doing or how you can join me in losing weight this Summer, feel free to hit me up on facebook, email, or on my phone. All of that info is on the right hand side of this screen. Have a great day!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Journey Begins!

Hey Everyone!

My name is Anthony "Tony" Mercer, and I am really, REALLY excited about this new product I found through a friend of mine. First, I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself.

I have struggled with obesity almost my entire life. I have tried Atkins, South Beach, Low-fat, Low-calorie, No-sugar, No-salt diets out the ying-yang, and I've taken everything from Herbal supplements to Ephedrine to Vitamin B supercharged energy drinks and many other supplements to no avail! On the diets, I would end up getting cranky, and my brain would overload me with cravings for the things I was cutting out. On the supplements, I would get jittery, my heart would race, and while taking ephedrine, I ended up having to go in for an echo-cardiogram, because my heart started having electrical impulse issues due to the amount of stimulants I was putting in my body. While on ephedrine, I lost 101 pounds in 6 months, because I was essentially starving myself while speeding up my metabolism like crazy. As you can imagine, as soon as I went off ephedrine, I gained it all back again - plus SOME!

I'm sure many of you have had similar journeys, and it totally SUCKS! You do everything they tell you, and you try to get healthy, but you are constantly bombarded by temptation, marketing  and you experience failure after failure to achieving real results. Coming back to the present, I resolved that this Summer would be the year I would take my health back! That very week, I saw my friend post on facebook that she had found an amazing product that she was excited about, that it was all natural and stimulant free. This piqued my curiosity, because almost everything out there right now is either full of stimulants, or, if it's all natural, it just isn't potent enough to get the job done. So, I started asking questions.

She told me that she was on "The Pink Drink" which I found out later was called Plexus Slim. It was a product designed to help people with Type II Diabetes get their blood sugar, cholesterol, and lipids under control, and during the study, a large percentage of the test subjects lost substantial amounts of weight. So, they repeated the test on non-diabetics, and got the same results. Well, long story short, I ordered a bag and said I'd try it. (Plus, I wanted to support my friend who was selling it at the same time.) I had tried everything else. Why not one more?

It shipped really fast, and I got it in a couple days and started trying it. The first meal after I tried it, I was shocked! My brain was literally fighting with my stomach. I called Marissa up, and I said, "What the heck is in this stuff?! My brain is screaming, "I want more!" and my stomach was like, "If you eat another bite, I will punch you in the... brain!" Hahaha! It was at that point, I realized how ADDICTED to food I was. My eyes and brain wanted the satisfaction of a sugar rush, but my stomach eventually won out. Instead of having 4 hot dogs, a bag of chips, and a full slice of apple pie that night (like I normally would have), I had one and a half hot dogs, and I took two bites of the apple pie, and I was totally satisfied. For those of you who know how I have eaten my whole life, that is a BIG DEAL!

The real test was when I went to my favorite Turkish restaurant the next day. 30 minutes before I went to the restaurant, I had my daily drink of Plexus Slim. Normally, when I eat there, I have at least 1/4 of their giant homemade bread, an appetizer, several cokes, and a full entree with a huge serving of bulgar rice. I am not proud about the fact that what I listed above was actually what I ate in one sitting. What I AM proud about is that with the help of Plexus Slim, I turned down the bread, I ordered water, I took half of my meal home, and I left ALL of the rice on the plate. The funny thing is, now that I think about it, I DIDN'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! It was as if Plexus Slim had flipped a switch in my brain that actually put the balance back between my stomach and brain so I could make logical, conscious choices about what I was putting into my body. I found myself actually chewing my food instead of inhaling it, and when I was full, I stopped eating.

I took my first dose on Saturday. It is now Thursday. As of this morning, I have lost 11 pounds. Now, keep in mind, I am a big guy. So, the weight is going to be coming off faster at first than the average person, but still....! I've lost two inches off my waist in less than a week with minimal exercise. Just think what the results are going to be like when I start adding lean muscle to the equation!

AHHH! I'm so excited about this Summer, and I really want to share this opportunity with everyone like me who has struggled to get their eating and weight back under control. Trust me when I say I have tried everything under the sun, and nothing even compares to what this has done for me already in five days!

Join me at Get Plexus Now! and if you have any questions at all, I am available at tonymercer@hotmail.com or you can reach me on my cell phone at 352-457-3653. Make it a great day, and let's take back our health this Summer together!